Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, This is my first post, and if you are reading this I woul like to thank you for taking the time to check in and see what I have been up to. The main purpose of this blog is to create a way for me to keep track of travels abroad and here at home in geology. I am currently studying geology at the University of Houston, and have so far gotten some great opportunities that are quickly giving me a wealth of knowledge and experience in a subject that I have a true passion for.

I will post up some experiences of the pastyear or so that have left an imprint on my mind, and that have given me vital experience, as well as begin covering in real time my experiences in the near and distant future. Currently I am set to depart Houston for Tokyo Japan on May 1st to work on a submersible research dive on the Godzilla Mullion north of The ogasawara islands of japan. i will hopefully be able to keep a daily blog of that trip, so as to keep all of you who are interested up to date.

Thanks for reading, and happy travels!