Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Behind... Obviously

So I started this blog about a year and a half ago with the intentions of posting my experiences with traveling for research and conferences with my geology research and such. So far, I have written down what to put in these blogs, but never gotten around to posting them. Over the next few days I will be workling on getting these many experiences posted.

Since beginning this blog I have spent 30 days on a Japanese led expedition in the Philippine Sea and subsequently a week in port on the island of Chichi Jima, numerous trips with undergraduate courses to Big Bend National Park and Central Texas for mapping projects and geo-tourism, 2 weeks in Costa Rica for both preliminary field work for a petrological and field mapping project of an ignored oceanic mantle section on the Northwest coast ( which was followed of course by some more geo-tourism), a week-and-a-half in Cyprus for the AGU Chapman conference on detachment faulting in oceanic lithosphere, a week in Chiba, Japan for the Japanese Geophysical Union annual meeting, and a week and a half at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute this summer investing some time with my advisor, Dr. Jon Snow's, PhD advisor Dr. Henry Dick into examining my current research interest of plagioclase in abyssal peridotites.

Its been a very busy and worthwhile year. And the greatest thing is that its not slowing down anytime soon!

So I hope whoever reads these next posts finds something in them that makes the time you spent reading them worthwhile.

